Friday, August 7, 2009

I've been busy, busy

Doing what, not much! But was getting ready for a son and a grand daughter to come for a week. They have been here and gone home. My son said he had to go home to rest before going back to work. He worked his butt off up here and my place looks awesome. A good time was had. We didn't do much, but enjoyed. Went out for dinner a couple of times, they went rafting on the Ocoee River. I stayed home, lol. Last night was "All you can eat" pizza downtown.

Before they came, last Sunday, Aug. 2, I had a Dulcimer workshop that turned in to a Jam Session. What a lot of fun that was!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had 6 dulcimers, a guitar, drum, and a fiddle. And instead of in a backroom as usual, we played in a public hallway and many people watching us. Lots of neat comments. We did sound good.

While family was here, they had a good time riding my 4 wheelers in the woods and the forest. The grand flipped hers over backwards, was not hurt. but landed on her back with the 4 wheeler on it;s back section. She held it up with her feet until her dad got back to help her. Yes, she had a helmet on. He says it scared the crap out of him, but t hen he laughed every time he told the story. A couple of years ago, I ran mine UP a tree, and had to make a leap of life. They are a lot of fun but can be dangerous.

BTW, now I am in my 7th decade as Vicki calls it, lol. I don't feel a lot different, but sure wish I could do what I could about 3 decades ago. I try! I guess that is why I have sons........and a daughter.

My canine kids have been a bit of a handful lately. Lukas, the weimaraner was bad the other day. I was in process of baking some cinnamon rolls, turned my back and he ate the whole pan full. 8 unbaked rolls. I grabbed the bottle of peroxide, drug him outside and pured it down him. 5 mins later they came up. I felt sorry for him, but had I not done it he could have bloated and died. Later, he stole an apple from the bowl on the counter and ate the whole damn thing. They can have apples but not the core and seeds, which he did.

One of the beagles, the little one as we call her. When I got her she weighed 50 pounds and needed medical care. But vet said she had to lose lots of weight first. She was put on a diet and I managed to get 25 pounds off of her, so last Tuesday she had dental done.
They took 6 back teeth and had already lost 2. and she had major infection. SOOOOOOOOO, she is doing great, and on antibiotics. Another procedure for a large lump under her leg will be done soon.
The other beagle, I took off 15 pounds. But, almost lost her this week. She somehow got up on a workbench in the shop and got a box of d-con poison. Out came the peroxide again. Then she hid out in the bushes and we had to hunt for her. Luckily she was bringing up the poison, and I made her bring up more. Vet had me take her in next morning for a Vit K1 shot. She is fine now

It is very quiet here now, again, and I have no idea who will be here next. Vicki? I don't think she is coming to the mountain this year. I miss that girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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