Sunday, August 9, 2009

A beautiful sunny Sunday

Yes, it's another beautiful day in the mountains. And isn't technology great.

I have been sitting here in the U.S. and chatting with my youngest son, Jeff, who is presently in China, working. He's been reading Vik's blog finally. and as many times as I say I miss the Girl, I miss the Boys too. They all want me to come live with them, but..........................I am happy and contented right where I am.

Jeff is my youngest, married to a lovely gal, and they have 4 children. 3 girls and 1 boy, all great kids. The oldest is in college. And Jeff and a couple of the kids have been up to help me here also. So has Vik, but she and I seem to get involved in things other than working on the property.

So peaceful and quiet this morning, no animals roaming. Where I sit I can look out a window and see in to the woods, and nothing but a few squirrels skittering around.

Not sure what I am going to do today. Maybe strum and pick would be a good idea since I have done much of it for a week.


Vicki said...

You kept me up until 3 am! Chatting! But I had a great time. I'll try to catch you on later before we head out of town and see if you have any plans for Christmas????

Ms. J. said...

Yes!!!!!!!!!!!! I have plans for Christmas. What are yours?